It is amazing how many hurdles you have to jump through to build on your own land. Here is what we have been working on in the past week:

  • Road construction is being setup
  • Development permit to build anything has to be acquired from the county. We had the county authorities out on the land today to look at our building site. We think they will let us build without too much trouble
  • Trenching from well and electrical system will cost $2.60 and a $1.50 a foot. Looking at renting a trencher or small backhoe instead of hiring out
  • A few trees have been ordered from a shelterbelt program they have in our area
  • Secured a Farm Fuel benefit that gives us cheaper gasoline on our farming activities. This also qualifies us for the well rebate program listed below
  • Applying for a well rebate for farmers that give back 1/3 of the cost of the well. Great water site for those interested in all sorts of water explanations
  • Milly and Grey Beard have been working furiously on house plans. It’s great to have a researching companion for Milly

All through this process we’ve fought the urge to just do it. Why not just go and build and ask for permission later. It seems like that has been the primary way to approach this process in the past. Our area has not really enforced bylaws in the past. At least there was no one around to enforce zoning and building laws. After going out to work with our local authorities today made me feel very glad we didn’t do this. We went out to our land today and sitting in our approach was a very scary, official “Peace Officer” truck. I at first thought it said “Police Officer” and reached for my seat belt. ha. The Peace Officer assured we are going about this the right way. In the past several months they have closed down several shenanigans regarding people just going and doing things. I hope this is the right approach. I find myself asking people “Do I have to get a permit for this” about everything we are planning on doing. Today I asked do I need to get a permit to plant some trees. Mr. Peace Officer said “No but you can’t plant them within 131 feet of the road allowance. COME ON. We are in the middle of no where. Milly only kicked me twice as I was asking questions. (That’s pretty good for my usual kick to conversation ratio). She’s still of the partial opinion that we should stop asking so many questions and Just Do It.

The Simple Farm