Big news today. After a 9 month process land and titles sent confirmation that our subdivision is now complete on the land. Along with that we had the final condition removed on our sales offer. Looks like we are heading North real soon.
So as of Novemeber 30th we can yell out a big “WERE DEBT FREE!!!!”. Dave Ramsey would be proud of us. Been a long two year process including selling 3 houses, paying off land, and in the near future building a small house debt free.
After the house sells we are going to rent a place here in Montana for the next couple of months to get past the last part of the year. I teach at a local college here so have to finish up the semester. It will also give us a few months to plan our big move and allow us to dig a well and get electricity on the land etc.
Pretty excited. Anyone else out there happy for us?