We are moving closer to being full time on the land. In the past few months we have sold off a couple of rental places to get further out of debt and we have put our house up for sale in Montana. Our current plans are to sell our house and then build a small house on the land probably in this location looking out across the coulee.

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We have almost completed the subdividing process which has taken about 6 months. It’s been an interesting process but the hardest part is changing my thinking from I own lots of land to I really own half that much. One hundred acres is still completely sufficient for us but looking out over the whole piece isn’t quite the same. I think my brother in law feels the same way. He’s even mentioned looking for another piece all to himself.

This past summer it has rained a lot. Like Noah’s ark type rain. We didn’t irrigate once and still had a bumper crop of hay. Too bad everyone else had tons of hay as well. Last year we got about twice as much for a ton as we did this year. We’ve had plenty of grass to last the whole summer for the 30 plus cattle we’ve had on the place. We are currently renting out to a local farmer to pasture some of his cattle as you see below.

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With everything put together we’ll almost end up about pay for the subdividing process.

The Simple Farm