It’s that time of year that every thing is green and the garden is growing rapidly. Rosebud is due at the end of July so we’ve dried her up and she is taking a break. Because of that we’ve missed out on the delicious spring milk but it’s also been nice to not have to milk every day. Our garden is up and we are anxious to start eating radishes and onions. We planted about eight rows of potatoes so think we’ll get between 700 and 800 lbs again like we did last year. We used our last box of potatoes from last year as seed potatoes for four of those rows. But now we are out of potatoes so can hardly wait for mid July when new potatoes are ready.
Tomato’s are our white whale. I plant them most years but we never get anything from them. I started them inside this year in the hopes of giving them a head start. Hopefully they’ll produce. I also planted seeds I got from my friend in California. Big Papi sent seeds that had a heritage of Italian to Iowa to San Diego decent. They are growing and we’ll let you know if San Diego peppers grow in Canada.
Peas are doing good and carrots are barely up as well.
Now that the garden is planted we have a whole lot of weeding to do. I’m glad I have our wheel hoe and three kids.