If you go way back into the Simple Farm archives you might remember this description of when I almost squashed Grey Beard with an old, unwanted, dilapidated, chicken coop. http://www.thesimplefarm.com/2011/05/finding-and-moving-chicken-coop.html This was the first structure on our little farm and it’s been a dumping spot for tools, gas cans, hoses, lawn mowers, etc. Chickens have sensed their ancestral roots and have roosted and played in the old building. Milly has been very disgusted with how shabby our place looks with all these old buildings plopped around the land and she decided the barn yard looks too much like a barn yard for her liking. This is an old picture. It looked even older when we started to think it was time to supply a burnt offering to the heavens. I like to look at the green grass. We are only a few months away from that time of year again. She even called the fire marshal and got a burning permit so I didn’t have any more excuses to putting off the blaze.
The smoke was billowing and everyone came bounding out from all over to watch the scene.
This building must have been standing for at least 100 years and it took an hour to end its life.
Ringo decided to build snow caves while watching the meltdown. I’d guess not many city kids get to experience burning down a building. It’s quite fascinating if you like fire.
I said everyone came out to watch. Basically that meant all the animals participated. Poor Tinka didn’t know what was going on. She looks a little sad that her play house is gone don’t you think?
This is all that’s left of the old feller. A pile of rusty nails and ashes.
At least the tulips are blooming. This is inside the house of course. Real tulips are still a month off or so but I thought I’d spread some joy on the day.
I guess the reason I wanted to put flowers in this post is because they make funerals more bearable.