Just thought I’d show the finished chicken tractor. I started off with the idea of slapping a few pieces of plywood together on top of a tent trailer base and somehow ended up with the complicated work of art shown below. You can see the fancy nest boxes we can access from the outside. It’s really nice to collect eggs without having to tromp into the coop and upsetting the ladies.
The front side of the coop lifts up so we can clean out the woodchips from the outside.
We have over 30 chickens and I was worried the above roost wouldn’t be enough to fit everyone. It’s surprising how many chickens can fit in one small space. They all seem to cozy up together to keep warm and we could probably fit another 20 chickens if we had to.
We put quarter inch hardware cloth on the top of each side for air flow. This mobile chicken tractor won’t be used in the winter but it’s perfect for spring, summer, and fall.
We somehow corralled all hens and drove the tractor down in the trees next to the cows. It’s really nice to have the chickens around the cows as they spend all day scratching up cow pies. It only took three weeks to complete but it’s been very useful so far this year.