I just realized my first post was made April 12th, 2010. The Simple Farm is officially one years old. Hurray, jump for joy, wooo hooo. I never thought anyone would actually follow this silly blog but the more I talk with friends and acquaintances the more I realize I better be careful what I write. It just so happens that now everyone knows how much of a girly man I am. I can pretend to be a manly man but that mostly just makes people snicker especially my best friend growing up that questions the manliness of a “Dude Blogger”. I am now known as Moses and all my friends and family are getting their Simple Farm name tattooed onto their shoulder or put on their license plate. I somehow have more blog posts labeled confessions and recipes than any other topic. Whenever I talk to my mom she always reminds me to listen to my wife next time. I think people are starting to realize how strange we are. It’s hard to act normal when you post things about water witching with a crow bar, healing with a poopy diaper, and trying to use spinach for Easter egg coloring. I’ve had two stuck in the muck incidents with Barnabas and Molar. I hope to have many more in the coming years. We finalized the subdivision process on our land, became debt free (at least for the time being), and now have a well on the place and are in the process of looking for animals. Our plans for the coming year include finding a milk cow, procuring chickens, and maybe a few pigs. Oh, and a dog and probably a cat. And of course moving out full time on our Simple Farm land. Here’s to many more years on The Simple Farm. Thanks for all the support and encouragement. I love your comments and especially love to see Milly squirm when people discuss the blog and her hesitant attitude towards technology.