Papi Tomato, my one and only blogging fan, I’m sorry for the serious neglect and non-information on our activities this summer. How about I write this post dedicated to you. Will that make you forgive me? We have been working until midnight most nights as we have a hard move deadline of October 1st this year so the blog has taken a back burner for a few weeks as we try to get as much done as we can before the big day. October 1st we are moving no matter what the state of our house which means we could be without hot water for a while but by dang it’s going to happen. We had an October 1st deadline last year as well so it would be nice if we were only a year late. Milly has even sort of agreed and made the announcement to our current landlord that we are moving. I guess the day is set. The kids wanted to do it this weekend and I was tempted but decided one more month of all out exhaustion would get us farther along than spending a month making temporary arrangements. I have a bunch of stuff to post but maybe I’ll spread it out as I started selecting all the pictures I was going to share and it ended up being around 50 or so. How about settling for a few gross pictures of Polly’s smashed toe. Maybe that can be a new name for one of your tomatoes Papi: “Smashed Toematoe”
Milly was with the kiddies at a local hardware store when 3 four inch newel posts crashed down and one landed smack on the big toe of little Polly. Milly said it looked like what a tomato would look like if thrown against a brick wall. Nothing was left. Milly ran out of the store and headed to the hospital. The doctor on call looked at it and called an orthopaedic surgeon, who then called a plastic surgeon. The plastic surgeon sewed it all together and now it looks like a toe, albeit a pretty sore toe. It’s fractured in a couple of places and the poor little dear can’t put any pressure on it for 3 weeks. One week down and two to go. The nail is just a protection piece as it wasn’t attached at all when the doctor started his duties. In time he thinks it might regenerate but no promises.
The green goop is a salve infused with a bunch of local herbs, weeds, snake oil, and spit. Just kidding about the SO and spit. The salve is actually really amazing stuff. Milly learned from a local medicine woman how to infuse things like plantain, mullein, chickweed, Yarrow, sage, red clover, etc. into olive oil and then mix bees wax or some sort of thickener so it turns into a healing salve. It works wonderfully. There are a lot of anecdotal stories around these parts about this famous salve. We don’t go anywhere without it now. Scratches, bruises, sprains, and various other ailments get a thick dose and the injury is gone in seconds (well a few days anyways.) We’ll let you know how the toe goes. The doctor is very impressed with how well the toe is healing. Of course Milly wiped off all the goop before we went into the doctors office so he thinks the toe looks so wonderful because of his great skill and craftsmanship as a surgeon. ha. So Papi, I know I still owe you a lot of posts to catch you up on things but have you ever had a blog post dedicated to you before. Make sure you let your lovely wife know how famous you are now. And I’m expecting a return post as you rename one of your famous tomatoes in honour of Poor Polly’s Smashed Toematoe.
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Poor thing it looks like it really hurts!Hope it gets better.
Poor thing. Hope she is doing better.
Do you have a recipe for this salve?
I can do a post on how to make the salve. There's not really a recipe but more of a philosophy on local healing herbs. Wherever you live there are plants that are specifically suited to your needs.
We have plants like Yarrow, plantain, comfrey, red clover, chickweed, St. John's wort, etc. We take the plants and infuse (put in a bottle and leave for a while) them in olive oil or glycerin.
After the oil is what we want it to be we take bees wax and melt it into the oil to make a salve.