This series of pictures say it all about spring time in Alberta. Notice how beautiful of a day it is. Please disregard the dirty car. Poor thing. It hasn’t ever been this dirty but it is amazing how much mud and muck is around on undeveloped land in the middle of spring. The well head gets the best view on the property. I think I’ll paint it and make it into a place to sit on or something. windy 006 Storm clouds coming. Poor little Polly is going to get caught all alone in the storm. windy 004 Storm lasted all of 5 minutes. Ringo is shedding snow pants as we have a rip roaring fire going. windy 002 Sunny and warm again. windy 005  This series of pictures was no more than 10 minutes. I hear it’s going to be 19 c tomorrow. That’s Canadian for 70 degrees F for all you yanks. It’s probably going to rain, snow and hail the day after. Getting the garden tilled on Tuesday and prepping for 275 trees coming in on Thursday. Trying to get a shelter belt underway. We’ll need 1000’s of trees when all is said and done but are starting the process off small. Milly doesn’t necessarily agree 275 trees is small so I’ve promised her she doesn’t have to water this small strand of trees. We’ll see how that goes.

The Simple Farm