The busy time of year is coming fast to a close. When the weather starts to look like this it’s time for us to hunker down for the winter that is soon to be upon us. Of course yesterday it was plus 20 Celsius so this sudden cold snap may only be a test run and we could be still playing baseball by Wednesday. -17 tomorrow morning, really? I think I’ll be lazy and leave the calf out to do the milking. I should probably be nice to Ranger since we did the deed to him finally.
We had some friends come visit us from Australia and I couldn’t think of a better way to introduce them to farm life other than taking care of a castration.
Up close and personal.
I found a new favorite hat. It’s a little ripped up on the brim but I guess that’s to be expected since a chainsaw kicked back and hit me on the head.
It hit pretty hard but only left a small mark. Thank goodness I like good hats with thick brims.
I’ve said before that I’m not a farmer but I think the above picture shows the contrary. We harvested about 175 lbs of potatoes and 75 lbs of carrots. At least my hat is nice.
The kids have been a big help this year with our dehydrating. We’ve dehydrated apples, beets, pears, lots of herbs, zucchini, etc.
Here’s a nice picture of something Milly manufactured. Any guesses what it is? A free steak dinner to the first one that guesses correctly. Answer to come in the next post. Hopefully it won’t be another 3 months before I get to the answer. If the weather continues as indicated I’ll have a lot of time to sit by the fire and write random blog posts about the silly happenings of life on the farm. I hope it stay –17 for 6 months.