Time for salve making. One of the main ingredients in our handy dandy heal everything concoction is Yarrow. I used to think this was a weed and by all definitions maybe it is. But it is good for healing and all sorts of ailments. This is what it looks like when it’s in bloom. This is just before it blooms.
The chicken pasture is filled with it.
Same with the cow pasture.
Must be thousands of plants all blooming right now.
Anyone need some super duper healing weeds?
We usually just cut the leaves off and soak them in olive oil for 3 weeks or so. Other things we infuse in the oil is comfrey, chickweed, plantain, St. Johns wart, calendula, and anything else we can find.
Mix it with Balm of Gilead and some bees wax and we could heal leprosy, gout, sniffleous, or hemorrhoids.