Your hands look like this.
And the garden looks like this.
Instead of this.
**********Small detour******* Note to self. Remember to get proper rain gear instead of some cheap survival kit poncho that mostly just held in water instead of keeping it out.
We had a mild flood a couple of weeks back and I had to trench out the north side of the garden to get rid of all the extra water. It rained eight inches in two days and our garden was going to be flooded out if I didn’t dawn that cheap yellow poncho.
Eight inches of rain causes this.
And this.
I’m glad we built on high ground instead of succumbing to the wonderment of the river bottom.
*******Back to how you know its been a good day******** It’s been a godd day when you get to start putting together a Whizbang Wheel Hoe. I tried to use a bicycle tire as the wheel but this contraption needs a 1/2 inch axle and the bicycle tire I scrounged from the dump is smaller that that.
I ordered a wheel from Northern Tools as Herrick Kimball suggested (and Millie wanted to do from the beginning but I thought I was smarter than her so didn’t) so will need to wait a few days to put all the parts together. You know it’s been a good day when there is a gallon of homemade ice cream waiting to freeze and it’s been 29 C out.
It’s been a good day when the sun is still shining at 9:45 pm and the grass is green and the trees are growing.
It’s been a great day when all the kids look like this.
Poor Polly’s stomach was hurting she said so I let her lay on the couch instead of in her bed. I’m guessing she had heat exhaustion and was tired out from a great full day of fun.